Squizz's Cryptic No. 26

1 Vicious return to professional serve reveals the inequality. (13)
9 Church conceals torture instrument before king; it could be explosive. (7)
10 Visual quirk set in stone. (7)
11 Small courses, no fine trimmings. (5)
12 They hang on to legal fees. (9)
13 Mice pine forlornly for some Christmas fare. (5, 3)
15 The national bird. (6)
18 Hard rock with a blues tone? (6)
19 Once possessed ports where fish could be found. (8)
22 Titleholder led short woman to have a celebratory drink. (9)
24 Almost all the foliage has to go. (5)
25 Allow feathers to disappoint. (3, 4)
26 Record charge in this? (3, 4)
27 To initiate into communist units, they carry the vital gas. (3, 5, 5)
1 The ornamentation, I hesitate to say, is fitting. (7)
2 Spearfish in installments? (9)
3 Disreputable chaps killed fowl. (5)
4 Image said to reveal undesirable feature. (8)
5 Bounders lead way back to sleeping quarters. (6)
6 Conspired to be captivated. (9)
7 There was little space in the satanic heresy. (5)
8 Outstanding lesson on youth leader. (6)
14 Oiled lips crushed egg-like object. (9)
16 Leading kids in central Kentucky are going out after lunch to score. (4, 1, 4)
17 Swedish success, but French disaster? (8)
18 Cause to be out of breath? Relax! (6)
20 They say he trembles before the eastern lords. (7)
21 Poor analog of final torments. (6)
23 Followed behind queen. (5)
24 Behold! Common soldier leading colonel to reason! (5)

© Copyright David Squire 1998. Permission is given for this crossword to be downloaded via access to David Squire's World Wide Web Home Page. This crossword may not be reproduced or published in any book, newspaper or magazine, printed or electronic, without the express permission of the author.

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