
Cryptic Crosswords

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Welcome to Squizz's Cryptics page.

Crosswords for you to download

The Most Recent Addition

Added January 4, 1998

Earlier Crosswords and Solutions

Note that this collection represents my entire history of cryptic crossword compilation. The first two aren't too good, and contain several references aimed at specific friends for whom they were written. I'd recommend that you start with No. 3.

Enter the puzzle number, select the file format, puzzle or solution, and click on "Get Puzzle" to retrieve the file.
Note: Postscript is gzipped.

Puzzle No.: File Format: Puzzle Solution

Solve Squizz's Cryptics On Your Computer

The Across Lite application by Literate Software Systems may be downloaded and installed for use with most systems. Just download the software and select the link to solve the puzzle on your computer, or print it out for hardcopy solution.

Squizz's Cryptics are compiled using Crossword Compiler by Antony Lewis.

Contact Squizz: [email protected]